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Reset Password

If you have a registered email address, you can reset your password using the Forgot Password link. If you have not provided your email address during enrollment and have not verified your account, you must remember your valid username and security questions.

  1. On the logon page, click Forgot password.
  2. In Email or Username, type your username or verified email address.

    Note: If you have not provided your email address during enrollment and have not verified your NextGen Enterprise Patient Portal account, you must remember your valid username and security questions. The system will ask you to answer two security questions that you have already set up. You will get three attempts to give the security answer for each of the two questions. Answering the correct answers will redirect you to the Reset Password page. Unsuccessful attempts will lock your account for 20 minutes. For more information about locked account, see the Locked Accounts section.

  3. Click Submit.

    A message appears notifying you that an email containing your password reset link has been sent.

    Note: If you are using email address to recover your password but you are not receiving email, computer will ask to type your username.

  4. Open the email you received and click Password Reset.
  5. On the Reset Password page, do the following:
    1. Type your password.
    2. Re-type your password.
  6. Click Submit.

    The NextGen Enterprise Patient Portal home page opens.

    Note: The reset password link in the email expiration is subject to your practice settings. Your password validity is provided in the password reset email. Password recovery email is unique to your verified account email.